
A Pocket Lexicon to the Greek New Testament is unavailable, but you can change that!

The aim of Alexander Souter’s A Pocket Lexicon to the Greek New Testament is to give the forms of Greek words in the New Testament and their meanings as exactly as possible. “I have studied brevity throughout, omitting matters connected with declension, conjugation, gender, &c., and even references to passages in the New Testament itself, except in the cases where the reader might be left in...

, I destroy utterly, annihilate, exterminate. , (a) I consent fully, agree out and out, Lk. 22:6; (b) I confess, admit, acknowledge (cf. the early Hellenistic sense of the middle, I acknowledge a debt); (c) in certain passages there is a difficulty as to the sense: in Mt. 11:25 (Lk. 10:21) the Vulgate (with the Sahidic) renders by confiteor, but modern scholars prefer either I give thanks or I praise. , see ἔξεστιν. , I exorcize, cast out by appeal to a god.
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